E101. People Pleasers - with Newton Cheng, Director of Health + Performance at Google, World Champion Powerlifter
EPISODE 100!. Ever Forward: Then and Now - with Eduardo Canche, Engineer & Ever Forward Club Founding Member
E99. Finding His Voice - Johnathan P., Student & EFC Intern
E98. The Next Generation of India - with Prranav Reddy, Student from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
E97. Trusting the Process and Battling Cancer - with David Silva, Welder, Gamer, & Musician
E96. Engaging 21st Century Students - with Dr. Tim Daponte, Science Educator
E95. Tu David Phu (re-release) - “Just You, Your Paddle, and the Water”
E94. Giving Youth A Voice - with Nicholas M., Youth Outreach Worker
E93. A Writer Walks into a Speaker… - with Jason Rogers, LA-Based Writer, Olympic Medalist in Fencing
E92. Dr. Steve Perry - on Learning New Emotional Languages
E91. The Enneagram Test - with Samuel Trejo Aburto, Seeker for the Evolution of the Being
E90. Tilling The Soil In Your Heart - with Brandon Clift, Champion For Men's Mental Health, Podcast Host: The ManKind Podcast